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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I love gardening!

This time of year just thrills me! I love getting out and puttering around the garden beds. Planting onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, garlic, and more. Tending the flower beds, dividing especially is my favorite thing to do. All the little baby plants or bulbs ready to go out into the world and do something wonderful.

Just this week, I've divided up some peonies, iris, blackeyed susan, and a succulent groud cover that immigrated on some plants last year and has done a great job of keep the weeds out. Put them all up by our mailbox where the bare patch used to be.

Now, I've still loads of work to do, but somehow, unlike household chores that overwhelm me and instigate burnout.. gardening overload just stimulates me and revs me up. I'm never more positive and optimistic than when my knees are in the soil and my fingers caked with black hummus. I wrote on my other blog, that the most important ingredient of gardening is hope. Everything else is subject to that one rule. One must have hope!

The really beautiful thing about gardening.. is that just as one can choose to believe in God and choose to accept the miracle of salvation via Jesus Christ and His perfect plan (see Acts 2:38), one can choose to have hope that the little seed planted today will grow into a mighty and glorious plant bearing blossom and fruit. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. To me.. that verse is talking about life. And if gardening isn't about anything else.. it's about LIFE.

The first profession was that of gardener. Adam and Eve.. they tended the gardens that God Almighty had planted and designed. We are surely created in His image, and it's that awesome connectedness to creation and our ability to interact and affect creation that moves me so when I work in the garden.

Some people think that farmers/gardeners were despised because God shunned Cain's offering. Not so. Cain brought the wrong thing, it was his rebellious attitude that marked his offering, not his career.

Everyone ought to have living plants around them. All it takes is a scoop of soil, a container (with holes for drainage, or lined with gravel), and either a plant or a seed. Water when surface is dry, feed occasionally with leftover tea or a bit of fresh soil, and give it access to the sun. Before you know it, something wonderful is happening.. Life! Hope! Joy!



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