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Monday, April 21, 2008

More Frugal Fun!

I've been couponing since mid-February, again. It's been nearly ten years since I've packed up the old coupon file and headed to a store that doubles coupons, but I was ready to save some BIG money. Husband and I came up with a new budget and the most obvious area to cut back on (after eating out) was groceries. It's no surprise to me that we spend too much money on food, but I've been surprised at how much I've saved.

Here are the top 10 things I'm doing to save money on grocery and household/personal supplies.

1. Getting coupons. I find them in the Sunday paper inserts (buying multiple papers for 1.00 @ local Dollar Tree.. because I'm too cheap to pay full price even for a paper), I find them online at company websites, I find them at and other coupon websites, and most importantly, I find links to ones I can use at

2. Going to CVS and doing their Extra Buck promotions to get things like shampoo/conditioner/razors/soap/toothbrushes/paste/cleaning supplies/diapers/wipes/personal care etc.. for FREE or for around 80% less than at Walmart. This is COOL! Check out the CVS forum @ to see for yourself... or

3. Paying attention to the flyers for other stores beside my favorites. If I know I'll be near one and they have a deal worth doing, I add it to my trip list. Most deals aren't worth extra gas, but if I'll be driving by anyway... :D

4. Letting people know I'm couponing. I've gotten lots of tips, advice and help, PLUS free coupons.

5. Stocking up more intensely on things we use when they are cheap. For example, I used to buy 2 1/2 gallons of the organic milk when I found it marked down, now I buy ALL they have and freeze it. Also.. I have enough personal care stuff to last us 2 months, mostly stuff I bought for free(is that even possible? to buy something for free?) at CVS.

6. Checking's website for her speed linking of deals to coupons available. also has speed linking on some of their forums.

7. Eating what we have. Simplistic, but profound. If I stock what's cheap and we eat what we have.... true savings will result!
Our average cost for a nice homecooked dinner has come down to $5.00 to feed 7 people, plus leftovers for at least 2 lunches. It used to be $14.00 for the same dinner, and prices have gone UP on average, not down since I've begun my savings rally.

8. Rationing things. My son who eats four yoghurts a day now eats two (and gets his dairy and protein from milk and pistachios.. still cheaper than his fav brand Yoplait).

9. Taking snacks, packing sandwiches etc.. for our errand days. Including a Pepsi for me, since if I get the urge for one, it's a lot cheaper to pull it out of the cooler for .30 a pop (like the pun?) than to spend $1.49 at a drive-thru.

10. PAYING ATTENTION in grocery stores. I've found spending an extra 15min actually looking around me per trip has resulted in about 20$ per week in savings because of unadvertised deals or catching freebies via coupons that I would have otherwise missed.


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